

Getting rid of bags under the eyes

time:2025-01-25 16:53:11 Classification:Entertainment

Lots of things that are understood as cosmetic issues are actually health issues. I’d suggest a physical with a full blood-work run-up, and a dietitian might be a better choice than a dermatologist. I’m not going to go macrobiotic on your ass, but the bags mean you have an excess of uid in your system. Because it’s been since the sixth grade, it’s probably not alcohol. It could be sleep deprivation, allergies, or not eating the right foods. Look to your health rst and see if you can’t unpack those bags. As for rst aid, well, you can soak your face in ice water before you go out. That’s good for short-term tightening. And I’m not recommending this, but supposedly decadent Hollywood leading men have availed themselves of what’s known as a “Las Vegas face-lift,“ using Preparation H, a powerful astringent, on the bags.

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